HOA Board Meeting 2023-08-22

Members in attendance: Andrew, Tim, Dan, Heidi and Heather

Opportunity to address new member questions: Dan confirmed process by which board approves paying invoices.

Painting Parking Lot

-Sent emails/mailings to say church would not let us park.

-In receipt of new email from church giving permission to park. Discussed needing to blanket with info to update everyone again-emails, signs, Facebook & Next Door. No time for new mailing to physical addresses. Discussed group preference to not end up having to get any vehicles towed.

Light Project

-Confirmed that new lights look good (work well, provide more light) and to proceed with invoice payment approval process

-Discussed timeframe for next phase of work. Scheduling before too cold and after CD matures to cover costs.

Resale Disclosure Form

-Item that GHA provides to new owners. Reviewed & discussed responses to form, some of which items are governed by Reston/Fairfax County not Birchfield Woods. Also, mentioned utility of reviewing previous version of form.

Residents Concerns

-Dogs off leash: Will complete forms to allow animal control to come into the cluster. Will also generate informal signage to post on mailboxes reminding residents about treating others with neighborly courtesy when it comes to pets.

-Possible Trash Vendor: Unanimous decision to maintain service with Champion, rather than switch to unproven provider.

-Erosion: Review of what resident has done in past to mitigate. Recommendation to consult with landscaper for better ideas of how to deal with the varying eroding areas in the community. Also, will contact Town & Country to increase the height of grass mowing slightly to encourage further establishment of grass in some of the challenged areas, in addition to asking them to address limbs that came down in last big storm.

-Playground: A section of the tube slide is cracked. Will work to figure out repair/replacement. The ‘cleanliness’ of apparatus is natural result of the shade trees.

-Stump: resident concerned that this might damage gate. Will look into dealing with. Discussion of property line concerns & how to resolve.

-Window unit air conditioner: Discussion that this doesn’t violate by-laws of Birchfield Woods, but is in probably conflict with directives from Reston Association.

-Items in common area: Notification will be made to residents who store their items in the common area of the property, impeding mowing, etc.