HOA Board Meeting 2023-11-14

Meeting called to order at 5:00PM
Andrew, Tim, Dan, Heidi, Kristen and Heather were in attendance

1) PSE Light Updates
a. Upcoming work schedule: Bases are poured for last round of lights. Once dried then poles and lights will go up. In a week or so.
b. Outages after first round of upgrades around playground and along the outside edge towards ‘thumb’.
i. Root cause is unknown at this time. But breakers are getting tripped to the full off position.
ii. Dan is keeping the contractor up to date with the outages.
iii. Asked if having a mixture of fixtures could be causing issues, but contractor does not believe that to be the case.

2) Drainage update:
a. Heather spoke with a native plant supplier about getting plants to help with drainage and erosion by 1663 & 1522. This company only sells the plants. So will need someone to actually plant them.
b. Was recommended a couple of plant types that other HOA’s have used (Golden ragwort & Pennsylvania Sedge)
c. Concern now would be how to demarcate the area so landscaping company does not mow the area while it is taking hold.
d. Could possibly have landscaping company to procure the plants and install them, which would allow the landscape company to be responsible for them and we may need to insist that they mark off the area for not mowing.

3) Landscaping company
a. Communication with current company has been difficult. Contract is coming up for renewal.
b. Have received some inquiries from a company and will ask around for additional quotes

4) Financial topics
a. Payment to parking line contractor was a bit delayed. But has been resolved.
b. Late payment notices were requested to be mailed to owners. Tim will inquire if notices have been sent.

5) Slide repairs
a. Tim will contact the slide manufacturer and inquire about the weight of the part and potential for local vendors.
b. Tim will reach out to RA Covenants advisor for suggestions.
c. Kristen will contact other HOA’s for additional POCs or referrals.

6) Abandoned House:
a. Vegetation that is growing around the house is continuing to be a concern as it may be damaging the structure.
b. Need to engage with the county to enforce the Virginia maintenance code

7) Pickleball
a. A neighboring cluster resident asked if we wanted to participate in a sound test.
b. The sound pickleball makes is the same as a backup sound on a truck. Which is meant to be noticed.
c. Retrofitting existing facilities to support pickleball were facilities that were never intended to be as loud as it is.
d. Many companies around the country are working to make the game not as loud.

Meeting adjourned at 6.07pm